Import Job Status

Navigation: On the landing page select IMPORT JOB STATUS.

The Import Job Status screen displays the status of all import jobs that have been run.

Note: While administrative users will see a complete list of the jobs run in the tool, analyst users will only see their own jobs.

IMPORT NAME: The name given to the import job in Enter your import description, the first stage of the import wizard.

JOB STATUS: Current status of the import job.


         In Progress

         Complete – Errors


DATE/TIME: Import run time and date.

IMPORTED BY: The user who processed the import.

NOTES: Entered by the user. Hover your cursor over the text to view the entire note.



Click on an import job row to launch the PROPERTY STATUS popup.

View-only information and details on any unsuccessful and successful imported properties.

         Property Name

         External ID

         Property Status


Click CLOSE to close the popup and return to the Import job status screen.