Import Wizard: Add New Yardi Properties

Select the Yardi source property data you wish to work with on this import job.

Option: You may continue past this step without selecting any new properties to import from Yardi.

At the top right of the screen a timestamp displays showing the user's region and time zone with the date of the last manual data request. IMPORTANT: If you have never made a manual data request then you will not see Yardi data.

Click the REFRESH YARDI DATA button to make a manual data request and update the timestamp and Yardi information displayed.

Result: A progress bar displays with percentage completion and the number of properties being processed.

IMPORTANT: In the event a data refresh issue occurs you will see an error screen advising you to contact either Yardi Support or ARGUS Support. You can then proceed with any previously timestamped data.

Option: Click CANCEL to cancel the data refresh. You can continue with any previously timestamped data.

All properties

The number of selected properties displays in a bubble above the grid.

Click the filter icon  to launch a FILTERS popup.

All properties are initially selected. Deselect properties you do not wish to work with or include in your import.

You can sort by the available columns:


   Property Name




   Acquisition Date

Click the ellipsis  at the end of a row and select PROPERTY DETAILS to launch a popup with Yardi read-only information.

Click NEXT to save your changes and go to Property Mappings.


1.     Type/select filtering criteria for Acquisition Date or Size.

Note: Filtering limits your view but does not delete or exclude data from the import if it is marked to be included.

2.     Click a calendar icon  to select a date from a calendar.

Option: Click CLEAR FILTERS to remove all filters.

3.     Click APPLY to save your choices and return to the Property Mappings screen.

Note: Applied filters will persist in the import job until they are cleared by the user.

Option: Click CANCEL to close the popup without saving any changes.


Next: Property Mappings